1. Why are new people wanted?
The judicial reform has three components: laws, institutions, and people. As of now, the reform is almost completed with regard to the first two components—the laws and the institutions. However, chief of these components is the human one. It is people who will ultimately make use of the legislative and institutional innovations. Without a professional bar, an honest and efficient prosecutorial branch, a competent and upright judicial corps, all changes will not amount to much more than hot air.
2. How many judicial seats are vacant?
Судова реформа відкрила безпрецедентні можливості для фахових правників. Наразі триває конкурс до Вищого суду з питань інтелектуальної власності, стартував масштабний добір до місцевих і апеляційних судів. Вакантними є майже 2 000 посад.
The judicial reform has opened unprecedented opportunities for legal professionals. The competition for the seats at the High Court for Intellectual Property is currently running; the process of hiring judges for local and appellate courts is also under way. Almost 2000 seats are vacant.
3. How can I help?
It depends on who you are.
If you are a regular citizen of Ukraine, you can spread the word about the judicial reform and about the open competitions to fill judicial seats. All the better if you know someone who is an attorney, a legal scholar or some other kind of legal professional who might be interested in becoming a judge; you can suggest that they take part in this competition.
However, if you yourself are a lawyer, go ahead and apply for the competition. The job of a judge is hard and demanding. But the very prospects of justice prevailing in this country and, without exaggeration, the future of Ukraine itself hinge on it. By becoming a judge, you can become part of changes for the better. Besides, judges are beginning to enjoy ever higher regard in the society, along with decent salaries.
4. What are the requirements for becoming a judge?
The basic requirements include having a law degree, a certain level of experience in the legal profession, and no criminal record. The process of selection for positions at different courts can be a little different—you can look up the specific requirements on the website of the High Qualification Commission of Judges. The law sets a rather high bar for candidates—because the goal is being able to select the best of the best, not just the best of those who will show up for an exam.
5. How can I learn that a certain seat is vacant?
The same website of the High Qualification Commission of Judges has the latest information on vacancies in every Ukrainian court.
6. Is there a need only for judges?
Of course not. The administration of justice happens in a triangle that includes judges, attorneys, and prosecutors.