Chapter 8

Strengthening Public Prosecutor’s Office (PPO)

Momentum for reform of the criminal justice system has gained pace since the entry into force of the new Code of Criminal Procedure. Nonetheless, many obstacles for effective implementation of the legislative framework remain. In particular, PPO is currently facing several strategic challenges, revolving around institutional reform and implementation of the new law on the prosecution, as it tries to move closer to European standards and best international comparative practices. Striking a more smooth inter-relationship between independence, competence, accountability and efficiency of PPO is crucial in this respect. Independence should be strengthened both at the structural level (with regard to other institutions) and the functional level (of individual prosecutors). These objectives will require changes in the current model of prosecutorial governance, which is still based on hierarchical subordination and instruction-based management methods. No independent governance body exists alongside the Prosecutor General, leaving the latter with wide and, at times, unfettered powers both at the policy-making and operational levels. The proposed creation of such a governance body under the new legislation may help overcome these gaps in institutional governance. At the same time, the new proposed governance set-up may not fully ensure the functional independence of prosecutors, pending improvements in the performance management system, ethical and disciplinary oversight, and full recognition of the importance of developing and applying clear and foreseeable operational rules guiding the work of all prosecutors. Improvements along these lines will be necessary to promote independence, competence, accountability and efficiency in general, and strengthen the role of prosecutors as ‘procedural leaders’ of criminal investigations in particular. In order to respond to these challenges, the Strategy also focuses on further reform and clarification of the ethical and disciplinary framework, performance management, and professional training systems of prosecutors.

Список скорочень
  • ADR
    Alternative dispute resolution
  • AP
    Action Plan
    Presidential Administration of Ukraine
    Bar Training Centre
  • CB
    Chamber of Bailiffs
  • CC
    Constitutional Court
  • ВНЗ
    Вищі навчальні заклади
  • CCBE
    Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe
    Coordination Centre for Legal Aid Provision
  • CEIS
    Criminal Executive Inspection
    European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice
  • CJ/CoJ
    Council of Judges of Ukraine
    Council for Justice Reform (or Justice Reform Council)
  • CoE CM
    CoE Committee of Ministers
  • CoE/CoE
    Council of Europe
  • CP
    Council of Prosecutors
  • CPE
    Performance Evaluation Framework
  • CSO
    Civil society organizations
    Detainee case management system
    Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development, Canada
  • DG Just
    Directorate-General for Justice and Consumers of the European Commision
  • DOJ
    United States Department of Justice
  • EaP
    The Eastern Partnership
  • ECHR
    European Convention on Human Rights
  • ECJ
    European Court of Justice
  • ECtHR
    European Court of Human Rights
  • EPP
    Evaluation of Prosecutors’ Performance
  • EU MS
    EU Member State(s)
  • EU
    European Union
  • EUAM
    European Union Advisory Mission for Civilian Security Sector Reform Ukraine
  • FLA
    Free Legal Aid
  • FoI
    Freedom of information
  • GDP
    Gross domestic product
  • GOU/GoU
    Government of Ukraine
  • HAC
    Higher Administrative Court
  • HCCH
    Hague Conference on private international law
  • HCJ
    High Council of Justice of Ukraine
  • HEI
    High educational institutions
  • PCF
    CoE/EU Eastern Partnership Programmatic Co-operation Framework
  • PDP
    Personal data protection
  • PEE
    Performance effectiveness evaluation
  • PEO
    Private enforcement officer
  • PFM
    Public financial management
  • PG
    Prosecutor General
  • PMF
    Performance Management Framework
  • PPO
    Public Prosecutor’s Office
  • PPP
    Public-private partnership
  • PR
    Public Relations
  • QALA
    Quality and Accessible Legal Aid Ukraine Project
  • RBC
    Regional Bar Council
  • RPO
    Regional Prosecutor’s Office
  • PQDCs
    Regional Qualification and Disciplinary Commission
  • SC
    Supreme Court
  • SDP
    Strategic development plans
  • SEP
    Sector expenditure plan
  • HELP
    European Programme on Human Rights Education for Legal Professionals
  • HQC
    High Qualification Commission
  • HQDC
    Higher Qualification and Disciplinary Commission
  • HR
    Human Resources
  • HRTF
    Human Rights Trust Fund
  • HSC
    Higher Specialised Court
  • IMF
    International Monetary Fund
  • IMS
    Information management system
  • IOP
  • INL
    US Department of State Bureau for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs
  • IRZ
    German Foundation for International Legal Cooperation
  • IS
    Information system
  • ISD
    Internal Security Department
  • JC
    see CJ
  • JIT
    Joint investigative team
  • JSRS
    Justice Sector Reform Strategy
  • LPO
    Local Prosecutor’s Office
  • LPP
    Legal Professional Privilege
  • M&E;
    Monitoring and evaluation
  • MIS
    Management information system
  • MOE
    Ministry of Education of Ukraine
  • MOF
    Ministry of Finance of Ukraine
  • MOH
    Ministry of Health of Ukraine
  • MoI/MoIA
    Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine
  • MOJ/MoJ
    Ministry of Justice of Ukraine
  • MOR
    Ministry of Regional Development, Construction, and Communal Living of Ukraine
  • MOU
    Memorandum of Understanding
  • MSP
    Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine
  • MTBF
    Medium-term budgetary framework
  • NACB
    National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine
  • NALS
    National Academy of Legal Science of Ukraine
  • NAPU
    National Academy of Prosecutors of Ukraine
  • NBC
    National Bar Council
  • NCP
    National Conference of Prosecutors
  • NPM
    National Preventive Mechanism
  • NSJ
    National School of Judges
  • OSCE
    Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
  • SGS
    Self-governance system
  • SGUA
    Support Group for Ukraine
  • SIT
    Special investigative techniques
  • SJA
    State Judicial Administration of Ukraine
  • SJGB
    Single Judiciary Governance Body
  • SLA
    Service-level agreements
  • SOP
    Standard operating procedures
  • SPS
    State Penitentiary Service of Ukraine
  • SSU
    Security Service of Ukraine
  • TC
    Training Centre
  • THB
    Trafficking in human beings
  • TOT
    Training of trainers
  • UNBA
    Ukrainian National Bar Association
    United States Agency for International Development
    The FAIR Justice Project of USAID
  • VET
    Vocational educational training
  • WG
    Working Group
ActionImplementation DeadlinePerformance Criteria
End of 2016End of 2018End of 2020Measures/OutputsResponsible Body / MeansOutcomes
Area of Intervention 8.1
Increasing Independence and Autonomy of Prosecutors
8.1.1 Ensuring greater independence of Public Prosecutor’s Office (PPO) from political power1. Reviewed Constitution and statutes as to procedure of appointment, dismissal and terms of Prosecutor General (PG).PG, MOJ, Parliament / Constitution and statutes amended- Principle of checks and balances applied when appointing PG

- - Increased impartiality and depolitisation in choosing candidates for office of PG by authorising Qualification and Disciplinary
Commission (QDC) to hold competition for office of PG according to COE recommendations

- Procedure of determining rating of candidate to office of PG established, including his/her competence and ethical qualities - Mission
statements, objectives and performance targets are made an integral part of annual PPO budgeting process; expenditure plans are linked to
commitments of meeting specific objectives and measurable targets

- Expenses for maintaining PPO determined in State budget upon requests agreed with Council of Prosecutors and approved by PG

- Well justified budgetary requests on part of PPO by using harmonised approach and strengthening of regional capacities in budgetary
planning and formulation by prosecution

- Program budgeting (MTBF) and performance-based budgeting methodologies with non-financial performance indicators applied in prosecution
budget formulation and implementation processes

- Harmonised approach and strengthened regional capacities in budgetary planning and formulation

- Increased quality of public financial management (PFM) by prosecution, optimisation of use of postal, forensic, legal and other services

- Single public procurement process in place based on harmonised needs assessment of all prosecution departments

- Performance management systems feed in data regularly on case-loads and productivity, setting targets, measuring them, suggesting
budgetary adjustments and further policy developments in all matters of PPO organisation; evidence-based approach to any structural reform
of PPO institutionalised

- Number of prosecutors annually reviewed considering changes in: 1) scope and extent of functions at every level of PPO system, 2)
changing work loads; 3) social and political situation etc

- Scope of functions of PPO and prosecutors fine-tuned according to Venice Commission recommendations and other European standards and best

2. Reviewed regulatory framework on enhancing the PG’s powers, possibility to engage the panel body to the appointment of the Prosecutor
General of Ukraine PPO financing, formalising principles of performance-based budgeting and program budgeting by PPO
PG, MOJ, Parliament / Statutes and rules amended
3. Reviewed regulatory framework on PPO financing, formalising principles of performance-based budgeting and program budgeting by PPOPG, MOJ, Parliament / Statutes and rules amended
8.1.2 Ensuring greater institutional independence of PPO system1. Reviewed regulatory framework for prosecutorial self-governance system (SGS), including its financing.PG, MOJ, Parliament / Statutes and rules amended, decisions, contracts, job descriptions, placement plans, trainings- All bodies within SGS function in practical, effective and sustainable manner

- Institutional independence of NCP, CP, QDC, their organisational, career and financial capacities ensured by proper staffing,
administrative, financial and logistics arrangements

- Delegates to NCP chosen from all prosecutorial bodies and from all PPO levels

- CP tasked with ensuring independence of prosecutors, their legal and social status, examination of prosecutors’ complaints on threat to
independence and enforcement of decisions of SGS bodies

- QDC tasked with career development matters, including handling complaints of other persons on prosecutors’ improper performance of their

- Officials and public has full information about responsibilities of prosecutorial SGS bodies, and their decisions

2. Awareness campaigns for prosecutors at all levels on role, functions and range of responsibilities of SGSPG, SGS / Decisions, rules amended, awareness events, publication
8.1.3 Ensuring greater functional autonomy of prosecutors from improper internal influence1. Reviewed regulatory framework for implementation of specific criteria by CP for candidate selection, and appointment to positions based on results of performance evaluationPG, SGS, MOJ, Parliament / Decisions, statutes and rules amended- Independence of prosecutors ensured through increased impartiality when appointing to positions;

- Clear and foreseeable internal regulations, establishing criteria of choosing candidates, selection for prosecutors’ and their dismissal,

- All career decisions on basis of merits-based system,

- Recruitment interviews life-streamed on internet;

- Clear and foreseeable internal guidelines establishing ban on improper inspections of lower-level prosecutors by upper-level prosecutors;
any inspection’s clear and transparent grounds determined,

- Enhanced scope of prosecutorial discretion within limits established by law

- Obligation of higher level prosecutors to give orders in writing imposed; ban on disciplinary responsibility of prosecutor for
non-compliance with oral order or instruction of higher prosecutor, under condition that CP was informed about incident, with reasoning
part included

- Impartial, timely and independent examination by CP of complaints on violation of prosecutorial independence

- Research and analysis conducted regularly of prosecutors’ complaints on violation of their independence.

- Operational system of distribution of cases paying due attention to objective factors, such as specialisation and avoiding corrupt

— Software in place for evaluation of the prosecutor candidates’ compliance with the established criteria

- Ensured right of the head of the prosecutorial body’s to which CP recommends a candidate to administrative office, to evaluate the
candidates’ compliance with the criteria and to bring the conclusions to CP

- System of prosecutors’ specialisation according to crime types and other characteristics in place

- Ensured public access on the PG’s official website to the reasoning part of the CP’s recommendation to office

- Ensured public access on the PG’s official website to the reasoning part of the PG’s refusal to appoint to office the candidate
recommended by CP

2.Internal regulations in place, establishing exhaustive list of grounds for inspections of lower prosecutorial bodies by upper onesPG / Order, instructions, regulations, guidelines
3. Internal guidelines and policies adopted on scope of prosecutorial discretion and enlarging freedom of prosecutor to issue procedural
written documents with no agreement of supervisor
PG, SGS, MOJ, Parliament / Decisions, statutes and rules amended, instructions, regulations, guidelines
4. Reviewed regulatory framework on procedure of making written orders and giving oral or written instructions by upper-level prosecutorsto lower-level prosecutors, in order to ensure independence of prosecutors without risks of disciplinary and hierarchy violations at PPOPG, SGS / Orders, instructions, practice guides
5. Analysis of complaints on violation of prosecutorial independence included as part of Annual Activity Report of PPO).PG, SGS / Orders, instructions, practice guides, risk assessment reports
6. System of case management fully operational, distributing work-load among prosecutorial bodies and prosecutorsPG, SGS / Orders, instructions, practice guides, hardware and software in place, trainings, manuals, review reports
8.1.4 Ensuring greater personal autonomy of prosecutors1. Reviewed regulatory framework on remuneration, other professional guarantees and social security of prosecutorsPG, SGS, MOJ, Parliament / Decisions, statutes and rules amended, practice guides- Prosecutors and PPO staff are reasonably remunerated and protected through salary and social guarantees established by law, depending on
their role, experience and other clear and objective criteria- Social and logistics maintenance of prosecutors and PPO staff is established by law

- Ensured procedure of compulsory examination of prosecutors’ and PPO staff’s complaints on violation of their rights due to lack of
performance by State of its positive obligations to protect them; regular examination by CP of complaints concerning legal protectiony of

- Scope and extent of exercise by prosecutors and PPO staff of right to privacy, freedom of conscience, expression, association and other
individual rights and freedoms, defined clearly by law

- Prosecutors and PPO staff are able to join or form local, regional, national or international professional associations in order to
represent their interests and protect their status

2. Reviewed regulatory framework on individual freedoms of prosecutors, determining scope and extent of exercise by prosecutors and PPO
staff of right to privacy, freedom of conscience, expression, and association, and other individual rights and freedoms
PG, SGS, MOJ, Parliament / Decisions, statutes and rules amended, practice guides
Area of Intervention 8.2
Increased Competence of Prosecutors
8.2.1 Development of independent, transparent and objective procedures of selection of prosecutors1. Itemised procedures of prosecutor selection by QDCPG, QDC, MOJ, Parliament / Decisions, statutes and rules amended, trainings, regulations, guidelines- Provisions on QDC contain detailed regulations on rights and obligations of QDC when performing its duties for selection of prosecutors

- Information on QDC activity and decisions on prosecutors selected available to public on QDC web-site

- Each member and employee at QDC properly trained with participation of national and international counterparts

- Questions and assignments of Qualification Examination updated annually in order to prevent preparing answers in advance and follow
novelties in criminal law and State policy

- Detailed procedure in place for special anti-corruption check of candidates for prosecutor in framework of anti-corruption legislation;
system of repeated requests for special check were candidate is on hold for more than three years without being appointed

- Competitions for filling vacant positions held by QDC, based on results (score) at Qualification Examination, and results of testing

2. Qualification Examination scope, form, contents and procedure developed jointly with key stakeholders. Qualification Examination
formalised by internal regulations, reviewed and updated annually
QDC, NAPU, PG, HEIs / Decisions, rules amended, trainings, regulations, guidelines
3. Reviewed regulatory framework on ensuring proper organisation of special anti-corruption check of candidates for prosecutorsPG, QDC, MOJ, Parliament / Decisions, statutes and rules amended
4. Procedures of competition for filling vacant prosecutor posts developed and approved depending on rating of candidates, reviewed and
PG, QDC, MOJ, Parliament / Decisions, statutes and rules amended
8.2.2 Implementation and modernisation of system of initial training of candidates for prosecutors1. Reviewed regulatory framework on status of National Academy of Prosecutors of Ukraine (NAPU) as sole institution for initial training of candidates for prosecutorsQDC, NAPU, PG, HEIs / Decisions, NAPU statutes and rules amended- NAPU possesses sufficient financial, human and organisational resources for initial training of candidates for prosecutors

- Initial training programme individualised according to experience and role prosecutor is expected to perform

- Curricula of initial training focuses on improvement of practical skills and problem-solving

- Curricula annually updated and accessible on NAPU website

- Ukrainian and international practitioners, including prosecutors and lawyers, regularly involved as trainers

- Anonymity and conformity of assignments and tests to curricula and relevant professional requirements by way of annual updates

- Ensured continuous training of researchers at NAPU, increased volume of research&analysis activities

- Ensured continuous TOT for initial training of prosecutors, including by their internships in relevant foreign institutions and trainings
involving international experts

- - Well-balanced curricula developed for initial training of prosecutors

- Selection procedure for filling PPO staff includes the stages of training, of professional and psychological training

- Curricula annually updated and accessible on NAPU website

2. Curricula of initial training of prosecutors developed, based on discussions with HEIs, SGS, lawyers and international expertsNAPU, SGS, PG, HEIs / curricula amended, decisions, manuals, practice guides
3. Curricula of initial training of candidates public prosecutors regularly reviewed, updated and disseminated through electronic librariesNAPU, SGS, PG / software in place, trainings, curricula
4. System of training of trainers (TOT) for initial training of prosecutors implemented aiming at delineation between academic and
professional approaches
NAPU, SGS, PG / MOUs, trainings, curricula, practice guides
5. Satisfaction surveys, including for trainees. Trainings of PPO staff carried out regularly, identifying needs in adapting initial
training curricula
NAPU, SGS, PG / Surveys , analytical reports, curricula amended
6. Format and content of practical assignments and anonymous testing for candidates developedNAPU, SGS, PG, HEIs / manuals, practice guides
8.2.3 Modernisation of system of continuing training of prosecutors1. Continuing training curricula harmonised with professional requirements in framework of PPO reform.QDC, NAPU, PG, HEIs /, Decisions, curricula, manuals, practice guides- Content of continuing training curricula reviewed, new courses introduced, aiming,

- Special courses for prosecutors holding management positions to increase skills in HR, strategic planning, budget and financial policy
formulation, M&E of subordinated employees’ efficiency, PR/communications

- Joint courses and seminars with judges and advocates, role plays of court hearings (moot court exercises)

- Ukrainian and international practitioners, including prosecutors and lawyers, regularly involved as trainers

- Information management systems at PPO interoperable with those of other justice sector stakeholders and governance bodies, and HEIs

- Regular study visits to ECHR, ECJ and prosecutorial bodies of EU MS for prosecutors scoring high in continuous training programme

- International trainers and mentors among regular participants in continuous training system

- Curricula of continuous training for prosecutors annually updated and discussed publicly among users, taking into consideration the
results of Annual Activity Report of PPO, curricula fully accessible at NAPU official website

- Ensured TOT for continuous training of prosecutors, including by their internships in relevant foreign institutions and trainings
involving international experts

2. New system of testing after continuing training course implementedNAPU, SGS / Decisions, manuals, practice guides
3. Ukrainian and foreign lawyers involved as trainers for continuing trainings of prosecutorsNAPU, SGS, PG / trainings, MOUs
4. Curricula of continuous training of prosecutors regularly reviewed, updated and disseminated through electronic librariesNAPU, SGS, PG / software in place, manuals, trainings, curricula
5. System of training of trainers (TOT) for continuous training of prosecutors implementedNAPU, SGS, PG / MOUs, trainings, curricula, practice guides
6. Satisfaction surveys, including for trainees. Trainings of PPO staff carried out regularly, identifying needs in adapting continuous
training curricula
NAPU, SGS, PG / Surveys , analytical reports, curricula amended
7. System of incentives to continuous training in place through sending the prosecutors with the best test score result to study visits to foreign institutionsQDC, NAPU, PG / Decisions, practice guides
8.2.4 Implementation of individual Evaluation of Prosecutors’ Performance (EPP) system for improving career management at PPO1. Transparent and objective system of individual evaluation of prosecutor’s performance implemented.QDC, CP, NAPU, PG / Decisions, instructions, rules, manuals, standard sample of question, practice guidestrainings- Active participation of SGS, national and foreign professionals in development and implementation of EPP system

- Standard procedure of regular (every two years) EPP of every prosecutor by his hierarchical superior (head of PPO body); prosecutors of
central PPO office are evaluated by PG and his Deputies

- Due relevance given to mixture of quantitative and qualitative standards as part of EPP

- Standard sample (template) of questions as part of EPP

- Additional questions for prosecutors holding management positions introduced for evaluation of their managerial qualities

- Right of prosecutor to appeal against results of EPP to QDC

- Results of EPP used by CP when choosing candidates to recommend for particular post, or re-assign (transfer) prosecutor to another post

2. Reviewed human resources policy, using ratings (score-based) EPP system for appointments, re-assignments and promotionQDC, CP, NAPU, PG / Decisions, instructions, rules, manuals, practice guides trainings
3. Awareness campaigns for prosecutors on new EPP, clarifying role of system in promoting independence, competence and efficiencyQDC, CP, NAPU, PG / Decisions, awareness events, publications
8.2.5 Implementation of institutional PPO Effectiveness Evaluation (PEE) system for improving institutional role1. Transparent and objective institutional PPO performance evaluation system (PEE) implemented through carrying out and publishing relevant research and analysis in Annual Activity Reports on PPOCP, PG, NAPU / Decisions, orders, instructions, publications- PPO regularly (till 1st of April) submits its Annual Activity Report, in order to evaluate PPO’s efficiency and undertake appropriate
measures for improvement, in accordance with Article 6 of the Law of Ukraine “On Prosecution”- Regional PPO units submit their regular reports to PG; local PPO units submit their regular reports to relevant regional PPO units

- Due relevance given to mixture of quantitative and qualitative standards as part of PEE

- Developed sample (content) of typical Annual Activity Report of PPO

- Annual Activity Report of PPO is published online

- Trainings and seminars organised for analysis& statistics unit staff of PG to increase the quality of analysis and reporting

- Trainings and seminars organised for planning unit staff and CP members to increase the competencies in strategic planning, risk
assessment and management

- PG informs the Parliament on key conclusions of the Annual Activity Report of PPO

- Action Plan is developed, risks are defined, mechanisms of their overpassing are determined upon the conclusions of the Annual Activity
Report of PPO

2. Trainings of PPO employees and CP members on research and analysis, strategic planning, financial planning, and risk management toolsCP, NAPU, PGO / Decisions, trainings, publications
3. Practice guides and instructions on application of PEE developed, disseminated and regularly reviewedCP, QDC, NAPU, PG / Decisions, instructions, practice guides
Area of Intervention 8.3
Increased Accountability of PPO
8.3.1 Development of internal and external oversight mechanisms to combat and prevent corruption1. Reviewed regulatory framework on responsibilities of PPO Internal Security Department (ISD), including role in conducting annual
integrity checks of prosecutors
PG, MOJ, Parliament / Decisions, statutes and rules amended- ISD is subordinated and accountable to PG, with requisite degree of operational autonomy

- Liability established for ISD staff for non-performance of duties, avoidance of appropriate response to potential or actual offenses,
improper examination of declarations or conduct of integrity checks

- Annual asset, income and expenditure declarations of all prosecutors accessible online

- Regular monitoring/verification of asset, income and expenditure declarations of prosecutors by ISD and National Agency for Prevention of

- Prosecutor asset, income and expenditure declarations accessible online ( with the right to privacy and with the need to protect them
from undue influence.)

- Procedures in place for immediate passing of complaints on illegal enrichment of prosecutors from QDC or ISD

- Generic standardised data on results of integrity checks, including information on bringing criminal actions against prosecutors,
included in PPO Annual Activity Reports, with due account of relevant personal data protection requirements

- No carte blanche (structural) immunities of prosecutors; practical and effective tools for investigation of prosecutorial corruption,
including streamlined system of authorisation of special investigative techniques (SITs) against allegedly corrupt prosecutors, while
putting in place proper procedural safeguards against executive abuse

- Dedicated continuous training curricula for and regular study visits of ISD staff to EU MS, to share best practices

2. Reviewed regulatory framework on procedure and mechanism of conduct by ISD of annual integrity checks of prosecutorsPG, MOJ, Parliament / Decisions, statutes and rules amended
3. Reviewed regulatory framework on asset, income and expenditure declarations of prosecutors. Regular monitoring/verification by ISD
conformity of income and expenses of prosecutors, and members of their families, in order to define scope of annual integrity check
PG, MOJ, Parliament, NAPU / Decisions, statutes and rules amended, practice guides, curricula
4. Reviewed regulatory framework on immunities of prosecutorsPPO, MOJ, Parliament / Decisions, statutes and rules amended
8.3.2 Implementation of clear and foreseeable disciplinary policy and standards of prosecutorial ethics and discipline1. Reviewed Disciplinary Statute of Prosecutors and relevant procedural regulations to harmonize disciplinary practices with European
PG, QDC, CP, MOJ, Parliament / Decisions, Constitution, statutes and rules amended- Scope and extent of powers of QDC in disciplinary proceedings determined

- Ensured accessibility, objectivity and consistency of disciplinary practice at PPO

- Applicability and efficiency of disciplinary rules in case of violation of law; consistent, clear and foreseeable disciplinary
proceedings concerning responsible prosecutor

- Explicit ban of bringing disciplinary responsibility for legitimate exercise of prosecutorial discretion;

- Mens rea of disciplinary offense (intent or negligence) and consequences or damage taken into consideration when defining disciplinary

- Principle of proportionality applied when making decision on necessity of sanction and on defining type of sanction

- Ensured right of prosecutor or of other PPO employees to get access to his disciplinary case-file, scope and extend of obligations to
give access to information on disciplinary proceedings to third parties and public

- Single (judicial) avenue for appeals in disciplinary procedure

- System of individual incentives in place depending on individual achievements

- Developed system of norms of professional ethics of prosecutors and of other PPO employees with clear and foreseeable substantial
component; ensured accessible and consistent practice of its application

- Repeated or serious violations of ethics amounting to ground for disciplinary responsibility,

- Online tool for filing complaints against prosecutors, and system of online-reporting to QDC for handling complaints, in place

- Public provided access to analytical and statistical data on disciplinary practice at PPO, with account of need to protect presumption of
innocence and privacy

2. Reviewed Code of Professional Ethics of Prosecutors, regularly updated and annotatedPG, QDC, CP / Decisions, publications
3. Practice guides and trainings materials on ethical training of prosecutors developed, regularly reviewed and disseminatedNAPU, QDC, CP, PG / instructions, practice guides, publications
4. Online system for filing complaints against prosecutors in placePG / Decisions, rules, software in place, manuals, trainings
5. Statistics on disciplinary cases and ensuring its public accessibilityCP, QDC, PG, NAPU / Decisions, publications
Area of Intervention 8.4
Increased Efficiency of PPO
8.4.1 Promotion of efficient performance by prosecutors1. Research on prosecutorial practices (intrusive measures/SITs, sentencing, grounds for appeal, application of prosecutorial discretion) carried out regularly, on basis of PPO Annual Activity ReportCP, QDC, PG, NAPU / Decisions, trainings, publications- Scope of functions of PPO fine-tuned according to Venice Commission recommendations and other European standards and best practices

- Constant exchange of information between PPO, NAPU and universities; submission of proposals on improvement of practices and legislation
based on research and analytical materials

- Clear and foreseeable policies for prosecutors to determine scope and extent of use of intrusive measures/SITs, sanctions, grounds for
appeal, application of prosecutorial discretion

- Balance between requirement to follow internal guidelines and prosecutorial independence

- Exercise of prosecutorial discretion always subject to test of ‘reasonableness’

- Formulated recommendations are used by prosecutors to improve consistency and predictability level of procedural action and response

- Regular use of user-friendly prosecutors’ forum and other online resources by PPO employees, allowing exchange of views on prosecution
and court practice, interpretation of law, information and materials of training events, conferences and seminars

- Prosecution authorities interact with other justice bodies, including through use of online tools and discussion fora, to enhance
consistency in application of law; case management software allowing prosecutor to identify gaps in law and practice

- Ukrainian and foreign experts, including judges and advocates, are involved in development of methodical recommendations for prosecutors
in order to ensure more consistent application of legislation

2. Research and analysis materials regularly developed, gaps between prosecutorial practice, court practice and law established,
recommendations to improve consistency of practice provided.
PG, NAPU, HEIs/ Publications
3. Internal guidelines, practice guides and other publications (concerning intrusive measures/SITs, sentencing, grounds for appeal,
application of prosecutorial discretion, etc.) issued, based on research and analysis materials, and widely disseminated.
PG, NAPU, HEIs / Internal guidelines, practice guides, publications
4. Creation and effective use of electronic communication channels between prosecution bodies and other public and private institutionsCP, QDC, PG, MOJ, CJ, MOI, MOF, UNBA / decisions, hardware and software in place, manuals, trainings
8.4.2 Improvement in use of information systems1. PPO management information system (MIS), including electronic case management system, fully operationalCP, QDC, PG, NAPU / Decision, MOUs, feasibility studies, implementation plans, hardware and software in place, trainings, manuals, review
- Full electronic management of all institutional roles and functions

- User friendly website with the information about PPO functions and activities

- Interoperability with other State and non-State IS

- Automated or on-line systems for measuring user satisfaction

- Holistic analytical and information system related to e-justice

- Ensured proper protection of informational resources and confidential information

Area of Intervention 8.5
Increased Transparency of PPO
8.5.1 Establishment of system of relations with media, to promote access by public to information about PPO1. Reviewed regulatory framework relationship with media and access to informationPG, SGS / Decisions, rules amended- PG press service, press offices at QDC and CP provide consistent and user-friendly information through interviews, press releases, online
publications etc.- Regular press conferences of PPO and its units

- Public access to all PG orders is provided, with exception of those protected by statutory secrecy, and with due account of relevant PDP

- Regular publications in media informing public about process of implementation of new legislation and PPO reforms

- Qualification of staff responsible for training leaders of the PG to press conferences and for other events involving the media

2. Specialised staff responsible for media and public relations at PG press service QDC and CPPG, NAPU, international experts / Decisions, contracts, job descriptions, placement plans, trainings
8.5.2 Increasing transparency of PPO through enhanced and permanent communication with civil society1. Online surveys and questionnaires to determine scope and extent of further PPO reformsPG, NAPU / Surveys, review reports- Websites of all regional prosecutors’ offices with a “FAQ” system (feedback)

- Professionals, including sociologists, are involved in assessment of PPO reform, based on results of public surveys

- Timely and adequate response by PPO in all communication with public

- Advanced communication techniques in place to deal with public

2. Specialised units at PPO for response to public dissatisfaction and emergency event fully operational, working in timely consultation
with representatives of civil society
PG / Decisions, contracts, job descriptions, placement plans, trainings
3. Consultative Council at PGO fully operationalPG / Decisions, rules amended, review reports

Impact Indicators for Chapters 8-11

  1. User satisfaction surveys (conducted as part of PPO performance management system, or by external observers) attest increased trust of society in PPO in particular, and/or criminal justice system in general (baseline: 2015; suggested 2016 target - increase by 5%; 2018 target - increase by 15%; 2020 target - increase by 25%).
  2. Criminal trial monitoring surveys conducted by external observers attest improvement of affairs in fairness of proceedings (baseline: 2015).
  3. 10 % annual decrease in number of structural violations found by ECHR with regard to criminal proceedings (baseline: relevant ECHR judgments pronounced in 2015; only pilot judgments or repetitive cases taken into account).
  4. 5 % annual decrease in number of cases at ECHR establishing divergences in practice of Ukrainian courts in applying national legislation, or establishing breaches of independence or impartiality of tribunal, or fairness of proceedings or defence rights, or ‘reasonable time’ requirement in criminal process (baseline: relevant ECHR judgments pronounced in 2015).
  5. Improved implementation of general measures in view of any ECHR judgment regarding Ukraine in criminal proceedings (baseline: number of pending cases before COE CM where general measures are indicated at end of 2015; suggested 2018 target - total decrease by 15%, decrease of enhanced supervision cases by 25%; 2020 target - total decrease by 25%, decrease of enhanced supervision cases by 35%).
  6. 20 % annual decrease in findings by COE CM on failure to enforce individual measures in any ECHR judgment regarding Ukraine in criminal proceedings (baseline: 2015).
  7. 5 % annual increase in use of home arrest, electronic surveillance and other forms of alternative bail as proportion of cases of detention on remand (baseline: same point in time one year ago for which annual statistics available).
  8. 5 % annual decrease in overall length of criminal proceedings (from moment of ’charge’ to ‘final decision’) (baseline: 2014; from average length previous year).
  9. 5 % annual decrease in overall length of criminal proceedings (from moment of ’charge’ to ‘final decision’) (baseline: 2014; from average length previous year).
  10. Pre-trial reports developed (baseline: proportion of relevant cases at material time; suggested 2016 target – 20% of cases, 2018 target – 30%; 2020 target – 40%).
  11. Work provided to at least 50 % of all prisoners (baseline: proportion at material time; targets to be split per type of penitentiary establishment and category/profile of prisoner (i.e. juveniles, women etc.).
  12. At least 20 % of offenders engaged in vocational-educational training (VET) or other education and rehabilitation programmes (baseline: proportion at material time; targets to be split per type of penitentiary establishment and category/profile of prisoner).
  13. 5% annual decrease in re-offending rates of offenders under probation (baseline: proportion at material time; targets to be split per type of penitentiary establishment and category/profile of offender (i.e. juveniles, women etc.).
  14. Ukraine’s standing in various relevant international indices relating to performance of criminal justice system improves, including Governance Indicators and Rule of Law Index (World Bank Institute), WEF Global Competitiveness Report, rankings by Freedom House, World Justice Project (Rule of Law Index), Transparency International (CPI etc.), Bertelsmann Stiftung Transformation Index (BTI), WB Doing Business Index (baseline: 2015).